I was too sore this morning to roll, and with the weather it may a perfect excuse to stay in bed all morning instead of going to work out. Jenna had a great idea that I roll with George instead of going to work out. I’m very happy that I did, as I feel like I’m in a rut right now and what happened today might help me break some of that.

Positional Training
Right now I have a huge arsenal of attacks encounters, but when I’m in a live situation I don’t know how to put them together to be effective. What I think I need to get back to is what I was doing before and just focusing on a few key moves in getting those are harder percent perfected before moving on. As I’ve also seen with some of the higher ranking belts in the gym, they really do have the same setups and then just do variations off of those setups.

Closed Guard
I get a start making a map of my best moves from each position, including sweeps and positional transitions. I’m going to start with close guard, as it is the most basic. Basically, what I’m going to try tomorrow and this week is to break posture and then either switch to an arm bar, a triangle, or a basic overbook pendulum sweep. I think what I have opponents posture broken currently, I’m scared to attack because they are not in the perfect position because their posture is broken. What I realized today is if I let somebody go they will gain their posture back. It is in that transition that I should be attacking and not just holding them there.

Guard Passing
I did not practice this with George, but I also need to get back to basics with my guard passing. All that I’m going to try with guard passing from now on is getting into combat base, getting my knee across, and doing a shin slide into side control.