Tonight, against all better judgment, I decided to do jujitsu then go right into judo. Overall it actually wasn’t bad and I’m glad that I did it. It was just three solid hours of training. I think I will only do that if I’m unable to get into the gym one of the other days. The BJJ was no gi anyway, when I really need to work on my gi work.

Mount Escape - Push Knee Out
We did a pretty standard mount escape today, but there were several very important points that I’ve been doing wrong.
  • When I’m in mount, I should keep my elbows down so they are not able to get into high mount. I should grab my own wrists to protect my arms. This will not allow them to get chokes or other moves.
  • Use the box to push the knee. Don’t just try to push the knee with my hands. Using the box gives more power and will really clear the knee.
  • Keep a straight leg and I’m passing to slip it under their leg. I lift my knee up, my leg gets caught on theirs and makes it more challenging for me to get across
  • To get back in the guard, I need to shrimp three ways back and forth. Really, I should probably just continue to shrimp until I’m out of it.

(she should be boxing!)

Mount Escape - Grab and Roll
Another pretty standard mount escape that we tried. I typically do a double bump and take out a post. What I really should be doing if I can rap an arm is this bridging and roll and not even allowing them to post. If they ever go for a cross collar choke, or if I’m able to get it over hook on one of their arms they are toast. Basically all I have to do is hold her arm and roll over my shoulder like a Granby roll.

Mount Escape - Catch Their Leg
A great way to escape the mount is to stop it before it happens! As they’re stepping over to get mount, don't worry about the leg that's stepping over. Just catch the other leg with your opposite foot. From there, reverse shrimp and pushed her leg down with your hand. You’re then basically in 1/2 guard on the on the correct side.

Scarf Hold
I need to work on when is my opponent is in side control getting on my side. I feel like I’m waiting them to try to mount me, and they keep going in the scarf hold instead. I then am locked in without many options. As my opponent is in side control, at that point I need to start protecting my near side arm and getting on my side. I need to make a note to do that more often.

I do need to start trying things other than that bridge and roll to get out of it once it’s locked in, as that's taking way too much energy. I am going to start trying to walk my legs out and roll out of if. If they try to follow me, I will catch their leg and take their back.