We had a good class today Memphis where I learned a counter to some it happens to me quite often: the opponent rolls in the turtle while I am trying to maintain side control. This typically happens when I am pushing hard to keep them from shrimping into me.

Take Back from Side Control
As the opponent is rolling, slow them down with your hand, but do not try to stop them. As they get up onto their knee, slide your far side leg under. That will establish one of the hooks. From there, get seatbelt and roll them over.

Take Back from Standing Guard Pass
The same concept can be applied while you are standing to pass the guard. If you push their knees away, and try to pass they may try to roll into turtle. As is happening, slide your leg underneath the same as you would before.

Roll Notes
  • Charles got me with the sneaky paper cutter move that I did not see coming. I need to make sure to protect myself more specifically when I am in side control.
  • A white belt got me in the side control two times. I was able to reversible times, but should not have gotten into that position if I had been trying. I need to make a decision if I’m going to give up a position, or not. I should not go half-assed, and then handle it once I get into a bad position.
  • Overall, I’m still disappointed with my lack of submissions and not being able to seal the deal. I could’ve choked the purple belt Steve, but I let up before I had it finished.