I was in Kansas City on Wednesday night, and found out that Derrick had a no gi class that I was able to attend. It was a good mix of standup work, striking, and groundwork. I really like his style of teaching how and we were able to get through a number of good techniques that really need to add to my arsenal.

Throwing with no gi
I was able to do a number of throws without the gi. All I have to do is think about my under hooks being just like my grips that I would normally have. Other than that, it felt like the movements were almost the same, and I was able to do a number of standard are an body throws

Half Guard Toehold
This is a pretty cool move I did not think about that I can probably also be done from guard if my opponent has a knee shield on me. The first and most important part of this move is to sit back and down on their leg. I’m usually postured forward when in someone’s half guard, which causes my base to be weak. All I have to do is sit back on the leg, which then limits their mobility.

If they tried to put a knee shield on me, I should grab their toes with my fingers near the end of their foot. From there, just have to figure 4 the arms and pushed her foot to the bot. The biggest thing is to turn the shoulders away from the grip and toward where I need to push.

Half Guard. Hold and Choke
If the person half guard is attempting to shrimp in and post against me with their hand to push me off balance, it opens up a head and arm choke. Cross grip the back of their neck, and pull them in towards me. Shuck their arm with my shoulder towards there head. Reach under their arm with my same side hand it around her neck. Lock in the choke.

Half Guard. Choke to Arm-in Guillotine
As I’m doing the head and arm, if they try to go belly down to get away all you have to do is switch your arms to go into an arm in guillotine. The biggest thing you’re not supposed to do is pull guard!

Live Roll
Ben seemed like a pretty solid fighter, but I was able to submit him twice. First was with the Kimora that I put way too much effort into. I’m going to update my flow for if I do not have the Kinora right away to turn it into a sweep.

I then rolled with the new guy, and did not do very well. I tried to pull guard, and he went right into a heel hook. Instead of laying there for the entire time I decided to tap. From there, he just pushed me over and ended up choking me with what a think was a headlock. It was very frustrating. What I need to do when I know I’m rolling with new guys is to pull guard and let them west themselves out so I can do my attacks. I should not just jump in and try to attack them because I don’t know which way they’re going to go.

My last roll was with Derrick, and it was a pretty good roll. I pulled guard with the arm in guillotine when I should not have, but besides that I thought my technique was pretty solid. The biggest things I need to add to my flow are to do a sweep if I do not have the Kimora, and to make sure I continue to do the sit-ups sweep if the opponent is postured all the way back in my guard.