today we worked on what to do if you are on your back, and the person standing is trying to pass using the rodeo pass. There’s an easy say that I do not think of with the hip switch, and a pretty easy sweep. However, I was not feeling comfortable doing the sweep and need practice it.

Rodeo Pass Save
All you need to do to block the rodeo pass is to switch hips and put your foot on his alternate hip. Use your hand against his leg to stop them from coming all the way around and passing guard. From there, if they try to sit down, use your foot on their hip to stop them.

Rodeo Pass Sweep
After you get in this position, use your other hand cross grip on his sleeve. Hook your other leg under his far-side leg. from there, apply pressure and sweep them to the side he does not have an arm. Once he is down, make sure you hold on and do a tactical standup.

Roll Notes
  • I did a stupid sweep, and possibly hurt someone with a bad knee. He seemed okay, but I felt bad.
  • I did very good against Donny the blue belt. I was able to scissor sweep him, and almost get him over. From there he shall be much more respect and action started attacking me which he is never done before.
  • I was able to take a white belt's back from half guard. It worked very well with me getting the deep under hook and pushing myself around.
  • I completed two arm bars from guard with the new cross-grip setup. I need to make sure when I set that up that their arm is undermined before I start, I have to reset the cross grip.
  • I was able to finish a bent arm lock from side mount without the person getting away. All that I need to remember to do is when I have them locked up, continue to put body pressure on them so they are unable to roll away. The person tried to roll away, but I blocked him with my knees.