It was great that I was able to meet up with the Kansas City group while I was in town for forecast. I stayed a little bit later than I had wanted to, but I was still able to see my friends that I was staying with. I like their style of fighting, as a complements the other skills that I learned with my other groups.

Triangle - Fine Details
We did a number of triangle drills, and there were some fine details that I need to make sure I included my game. The main one goes back to me not having as much hip movement when I lock in the triangle. I need to be explosive off my hips and lock it in. If I’m not able to finish the triangle, I need to start locking up the figure four grip on the alternate arm in working it into an arm bar.

Turtle - Single Wing Choke
We did the spinning choke when the opponent is on turtle. I need to work this into my game, as many times my opponent is internal and I do not go for this. I’m going to make a note to start using this as my number one move if I am able to get a lapel grip while my opponent is in turtle.

The variation on this move that I learned during this practice was if I am unable to get the single wing up by the head (if they are guarding strongly), and alternate is to just reach through and trap the arm. This still allows to kill their base and do the spin. However, you are then not in the best position for the choke, but at least you are on their back.

Leg Lace
The leg lace is something I would like to continue practicing, and I will add it to my flow for when my opponent stands up. Grab the base of the leg you are attacking, drop your hips, and wrap your same side leg around errors. From there, all you need to do is push under opposite leg with your foot. They then drop and give you the opportunity for a heel-hook

Seoi Nage
My Seoi Nage was terrible. The fine points that I was missing were:
  • Spin into them before trapping the arm. My arm should be against theirs before I trap
  • Trap lower on the arm, because when you pull it in you will end up higher.
  • As you are throwing, do not use your arms to throw but your body
  • Continue to corkscrew throughout the throw, I should be facing the opposite wall when I’m done

This is a throw I just need to continue to work on during my weekly judo practice

Turtle - Front Roll
Derek showed me this move if someone is completely turtle up and is basically in a ball. All you need to do is trap there had with your arm, and use your other arm to lift up on the butt. This will roll them over their head you into a better position.

Posture in Guard - Protecting Arm
This is something I continually have issues with, and was looking for additional guidance on. Basically watch out for wrist control. If someone is starting to pull my arm across their body, all I need to do is rotate my wrist out and push it back to the other side. This will break the grip or at least cause them to struggle more with getting my arm across. This is something I just need to continue to work on when I’m rolling.