I learned today that you should not use headlocks in jujitsu. it is a terrible hold and a terrible move overall. When I was rolling I found that I do it quite often. That is probably why I lose my position and get swept so often. I need to be more mindful of when I tried headlock to get or keep a position. It just does not work overall is what I found.

These are pretty basic counters to the headlock that all start with the opponent in side control or scarf hold. However, this shouldn’t just apply to headlocks and are pretty good counters to scarf hold. Specifically, the bridge sweep. I tried this sweep before and have always had problems with it. This new way of doing it explained below is a much better and more effective way uses a lot less energy.

What is a square (arm frame)?
I will mention a square grip a number of times below. This is a new grip that I did not know about before, which was explained to me. Basically, you make a fist and a right angle with one arm. You then grab the fist with the hand of the other arm to reinforce it. You can use this to push opponents away and break grips. I need to add this to my everyday arsenal. it is very effective.

Headlock Counter - Sit up Sweep
This is one of the most basic counters. Opponent has you in headlock in side control. Make sure you are on your side and protecting your lower arm.
  • Pull other arm over and make a square to give yourself space.
  • Walk your legs out away from theirs.
  • Put your far leg up, and use the momentum to sit up and sweep them over.
  • Make sure you then put both hands on the grounds so that they are not able to pull you over and reverse you back.
  • Step far leg over opponent into belly so they do not regain half guard
  • Make another square with your hands, and push up with hands to break headlock
Headlock Counter - Take Back
This move is good if they follow you with their legs as you are trying to get your legs out for the sweep
  • After you square, put your leg over theirs and hook
  • Use other leg to get up and over them
  • Continue pushing them until they are on the opposite side in your over them
  • Put foot into stomach to stop them from retaining guard, and open their arms with another square
Headlock Counter - Get to Turtle
This move is good if they did not let you get your leg hooked to take the back
  • Free your bottom arm and post it out to the outside of you
  • Do a push-up with it and put pressure on them with your shoulder
  • Pull them over to the other side so they are in reverse side control
  • Post out with both hands so they do not roll you over
  • Put foot in the belly to stop them from retaining guard
  • Square to break the grip
Headlock Counter - Bridge Sweep
This move is the one that I found most helpful. This is if you are in scarf hold and they have your arm trapped.

  • Use other arm to hug them and protect your arm that is trapped
  • Bridge up and towards them with your hips
  • Make a big circle with your arms around your head. Your opponent should flop over and into your site control. Do not try to go over your body with this and force it. It should be very easy for you to do.
If they post after you bridge, use that opening to pull your arm back in and protected. From there, you can use any of the other counters above.

4th Stripe White Belt
During live role I got owned by four stripe white belt. I’m going to add a question around what to do as they are trapping my arm to the side. Even with Chung’s advice I still feel that this is happening far too often to me. Also, I tried getting into combat base but I passed on the same side knee. This put me into an awkward position where he was able to take my back. I’m good to continue my same attacks, but I need to make sure pass with my opposite knee. Had I done that, I probably would’ve been able to pass his guard.

I need to be more aggressive when I’m in positions on my back. I feel like I’m just laying there and not doing much. Maybe just a little shrimping or things that really don’t work. I will rematch Jason’s videos with want to do when you are in side control, and also his concepts on guard passing. I feel like I’ve lost so much and have taken some major steps backward.