First Workout of 2014

Posted on January 3rd, 2014

The name of the game tonight was conditioning. We had an extended warm-up with a number of solo drills, and at the end of practice we had additional conditioning with pull-ups and push-ups. It seems that coach really wants to make sure that we start the new year in good condition. I expect this to continue throughout at least the next week or two before we get back on a normal schedule.

I was pretty happy with my performance tonight outside the conditioning. I had a number of good passes on Marco, almost got past Chuong, and had two clean submissions on a first-degree white belt. I was completely gassed by the end of open mat, but even so I should’ve rolled with Brian.

Butterfly Guard Armdrag vs. Kneeling
  1. Get strong grips on both her hands
  2. Kick attacking leg out and pulled back with hand to brake grip
  3. Arm drag opponent across
  4. Swing leg over and take back or get into rodeo ride
This can also work with no gi, just make sure you have good hand control when pulling the arm. to increase the effectiveness of the attack, as the arm drag is happening is the opposite leg to kick out there based on the side you’re pulling them. This will further flatten them out and give you a more dominant position in taking the back.

If your opponent pulls the arm back as your completeness, release the arm and just do a near leg takedown.

Butterfly Guard Armdrag vs. Standing
  1. Grab under tricep on same side
  2. Post out with alternate hand
  3. Hip out on same side as tricep
  4. Pull down to mat with hooked arm
This works well when an opponent is standing, and using his weight to flatten out your legs to try to pass. Coach said that he normally allows the opponent to stand and then works this sweep.

Collar Drag
You can also do an arm drag from the same side power position. Basically, you are using the collar instead of the tricep to drag opponent across. It is more critical that you take out the same side lag when doing this drag, as they will be able to post since you are not controlling their opposite arm. It also appears that this will work with the cross collar choke. On my next role I’m going to fake with the cross collar choke, and then see if I can take the leg out and get the sweep.

He continues to use the shin guard on me. He typically has me so wrapped up I’m unable to clear that leg. If I try to go around in the other side, he uses his other butterfly hook and repositions himself. I am adding a question to ask him tomorrow and what I can do to shut this position down, as he and Marco always use it on me.

Open Mat - BJJ Gi

Posted on December 29th, 2013

I did not feel strong today. I was thinking way too much and not acting quickly enough. All my training partners at the better of me the entire day. I need to do better at not falling into people’s close guard. I felt like I spent most my time when I was attacking stuck in close guard trying to open it. It did try to stand up a number of times to open guard and I did not get swept, but I also did not get the garden open.

Basic ButterFly Sweep
Brian did teach me basic butterfly sweep but I do not know. From a positional standpoint, I should never be on my back when butterfly always setting up and trying to get under and over her lips. Once I’m able to secure under and overcoats, then you use the momentum falling back to elevate and roll.

Brian’s other good piece of advice was either make sure you’re in guard, or your escaping. There were two times that I left a hook in but it was not being useful so all he had to do was work on it to get passed it


Posted on December 21st, 2013

Frustrating. That would be the best word to describe the session today. Things started off fine in the initial sparring, but then once we got to actual rolling I was sucking totally. I got easily swept a number of times and even got into a couple of submissions that I knew were to happen and still was not able to defend. I don’t know if I was thinking too much about what I was doing or I was just not being very good.

No arm guillotine from closed guard
Coach continues to press on that especially in no gi that we continue to attack the neck. That should be our primary point of focus, even if it is to get us into a different and better position. The first technique he showed was a no arm guillotine from closed guard. I should use my hip up and then down to break their posture. From there, swim my arm inside and get the neck. Finish with the guillotine hold with the other arm. There was a big point made here that we should not lean back until we are sure that the choke is tight. If it is not tight, continue to sink it in while sitting up and then lean back once you are ready.

Arm in guillotine from closed guard
This is the same set up as the norm guillotine, but is harder to finish. It is also more likely to happen than getting a no arm guillotine. I like that we were able to practice this, as I typically find myself in this situation and sometimes lose the position if I try to adjust and get the arm out of the choke. Before you sink back into the choke, put your opposite foot from where the head is on the ground and hip-hop to the opposite side. This will push their face farther into the mat and continue to break them down. From there close the guard and close then guard and finish the choke.

Sweep off stand up counter
A normal thing for someone to do when they are in a guillotine is to stand up and stack. This will relieve the pressure from her neck, and allow them to get in better position on you. When this happens, release the neck with the opposite arm, and put them into a neck crank with a half nelson behind the arm. Take a look at the funny picture I found about how this should look. then, butterfly hook your opposite leg into the others and roll them over with the basic butterfly sweep. While you are in transition, let go of the half Nelson and reestablish the guillotine. You should end with guillotine from Mount.

Live Roll
Today we did stations starting in close guard. This is extremely frustrating for me, but I’m glad that we continue to practice it. The best thing to do would just could not be get in someone’s close guard. First was big Steve. I tried to stand up to break his close guard but did not have a hold on his arm. All he did was hook my feels and pushed me back into the same sweep that I just learned this week. Thinking through this more, I didn’t need to stand up because I knew big Steve was going to open his legs anyway and offer me that opportunity to get into combat base.

I almost passed chums close guard, but he got a foot in it was able to reestablish Guard. When I’m passing the good opponent, I really need to suite my back leg forward quickly and get a new scarf fold or reverse carful. Though something I knew I needed to do but I just did not execute when I was there. This is the exact same thing that happened with Brian on the next roll. Brian does not like to play close guard and I really should be able to get past his open guard. When I did have folks broke open I was not controlling the legs enough and really crushing them down to their sides.

I then rolled the white belt I typically be, and he ended up getting me into an arm bar from guard. That should never happen to me at my level. I stood up to break his guard open, which actually worked because I had a good hold of his arm. However after I opened his guard I then just sat back down on my knees and allowed them to reestablish his close guard. After I break open the guard, I need to step a leg back and get into combat base or get into a and knee overpass position. I can’t just be happy with opening the guard and then go back to where I was. When he got me in the triangle, I thought he was just doing at Granby roll and by the time I found out that my arm was exposed it was too late. I need to make sure to keep my opponents legs down and away from my head and neck, as that gives armoire possibilities but also triangles and other things.

I then had a terrible role with Marco. Marco is really good at wrestling, but my jujitsu should be better than his. I continue to show myself that it is not however. He had his legs far of my back and I was not thinking and got myself right into a tight triangle. Then when I was in the top triangle, I turned the corner the wrong way and made tighter on myself.


Posted on December 15th, 2013

I walked into the gym today with my gi, and what I paid my entrance fee was reminded that today was no gi. This was the first time that I rolled with keypads. I do like the show works better than the pants as I got high during the role. If they feel overall better on my knees though.

We learned a couple pretty good new moves, and some fundamental position tips for close guard that I can use moving forward.The coach was a really funny guy that I haven’t seen before. Two of his really funny quotes or that he put his head down and is asked of and said name all the important things you’ve done in this position. He also was showing his bicep and said sums out guns out.

Close Guard Opponent Breakdown
You want to continue to break your opponent down when they are in your close guard. However historically I have had trouble just using my hands to break the opponent down. This move will really help add to that arsenal. Basically, all you do is sit your hips up like you’re going to do it set up sweep, then try to pull your knees to your years. This should get them off guard and then be able to break them down. From there, you can continue working them down into a suite or a submission.

Stand up against close guard
I’ve never really know how to stand up and break open a close guard. This move is vitally important in the no gi game because he did not have enough handles when sitting in close guard. There are just too many opportunities to get broken down and get submitted from that position. To complete this move, you need to trap one arm and hold it so they can’t like PICU when you stand up. Stand up with the leg that is by the trapped arm first, then stand up with the other leg. Arch your hips back to break open the regard. Do not let them pull you down and do not worry if they try to trap a leg as long as you have the one arm trapped.

Reversal again stand up guard
if someone is standing up against your guard, reverse grip their arm to control it and try to pull them down. From there, wrap your bicep around her leg and pushed their knee out with your hips. This move is like doing an ankle pick by using your hips instead of your head. It was done to me when I tried standing up against the guard because I let their arm go, and felt very effective. When you complete the move, you need to make sure that you and on your side or pull yourself up into Mount so they don’t end up back in your guard.

Live roll Notes
I felt like my movement was pretty good throughout the role and I continued switching from position to position. That really does feel more fun than just trying to crank someone’s arm when they know what you’re trying to do. There were a number of times that I did seem to trick somebody and put them in a worse position.

I need to remember when I’m inside control that I can attack the inside arm by doing a sit through arm bar. I tried doing it against one opponent, but took way too much time in the shrimps out of it. I guess that is the reversal to that move.

There was one purple belt there and I felt like I did a pretty good job against him. He continued to break me down and caught me in a triangle two times. It feels like an OD if you are in somebody’s guard you either need to stand up to break it open, or let them break you down enough to open their legs so you can attack. If you’re just sitting there defending you have no grips and it gets tiring.

Open Mat - BJJ Gi

Posted on December 15th, 2013

I was pretty sore when I woke up this morning and it took some convincing of myself to get me to go. I feel very good that I went, as usual. It was great that we got to roll, and then Chung did coaching on some pretty cool techniques and defenses to those techniques. I don’t feel super happy with my strengths in particular, so that is something that I need to work on. And maybe something that I get back into with my hand grip, or I know will continue to increase as I continue to train.

Brian - Blue Belt 1
  • Brian wasn’t feeling 100%, so we only did a light roll. There was quite a bit of movement and transitioning.
  • I did not do well in the transitions, and gave up my position a few times when I easily could have kept it.
  • I feel at this point like I’m over thinking some moves, and decide to delay them halfway in execution. I do better when I roll and do not specifically think about moves and just let them happen. every time that I tried to throw up a triangle on him he was easily able to evade. I originally thought it was something wrong with my technique but when I asked him he was pretty clear that he could see coming from a mile away. Thinking through it more, if I see someone throwing up a triangle I am also able to evade.
  • I need to work better and just breaking down his posture and focusing on that before throwing up moves. That kind of stuff works on white belts, but not blue belts

Marco - White Belt 1
  • I don’t remember this guy being as strong in the hands as he was today. You must be working on his grip strength. He completely owned me in the hand fighting, which then transitioned into sweeps and passes.
  • He is also strong in the core so if I do not have 100% good posture, is able to pull his hips up and knock me off-base. I need to start doing that more when I’m fighting from guard. He does not do good at keeping my posture broken after he breaks it though, so I’m typically able to recover. This does cause me to use quite a bit of energy though.
  • Marco was totally able to out wrestle me through the entire match. He beat me and transitions, and got me into very bad positions. I felt the entire time that I was in survival mode, which is not what should have happened. If there is someone as a better wrestler, I need to play to my strengths and slow down. He left his arm open a number of times, but I was never able to capitalize.

White Belt 2
  • We had a pretty good roll, and I really need to get his name.
  • I caught him in a very good triangle during transition. This is why it I needed to do more with Brian; as we are rolling figure out where my position needs to be and just execute on it. Once we got through the scramble, I was set up for the triangle, hooked my legs, and locked it in. He did say it felt weird because I was lower on his stomach and chest. I still finished the submission so I think I was right in not resetting it before doing the choke

Chung - Brown Belt
  • Chung is much smaller than me so I really need to adjust for that. Up to now I’ve been just trying to push him onto the ground which really doesn’t work. I need to continue attacking the arms instead of just looking for a pin, as he is just going to escape my pins over and over again like he has been doing.
  • This was probably my biggest issue throughout the whole role. I had them in good position a couple of times but was not worried about attacking and just try to hold him there which did not work. I need to continue to attack in transition and when pinning.
  • I can’t believe I crossed my legs when I took his back and he got a foot lock on me.

Dan - Purple Belt
  • overall, I feel like I did pretty good in this role considering how tired I was. We didn’t get to go the full five minutes, and I should’ve asked to continue because he was really wearing down and I would’ve had more openings.
  • This goes back to me just trying to pin and not continuing trying to attack. I just tried to keep his back on the ground, and he was able to find a way to sweep me.
  • The sweet that he used was one I’ve seen before which is a half butterfly guard sweep. I did not realize that he had a half butterfly guard until I was already in the air. I need to make sure I realize what his legs are doing when he is in half guard and not just continuing to play the top half game
  • half guard butterfly sweep: in half guard, hook your outside leg into their thigh. when you feel them pushing you back on your back, traps are opposite arm and open the butterfly.


Posted on December 14th, 2013

  1. Ankle Pick
    1. mirror stance
    2. change levels down to her both arms around the ground
    3. close the distance with front knee still in front
    4. forearm on ground and cupping heel
    5. head on inside of knee
    6. push out to break posture

  2. Reverse Ankle Pick
    1. leg pic opponents front leg, but they pull it back
    2. step forward with other knee and go for the leg that is now in front
    3. keep head on inside
  3. Standing Guillotine
    1. do not hold guillotine when standing, her opponent can turn the corner and send you flying
    2. after likening guillotine, push opponents had to center of chest and pull up for a tracheotomy choke
    3. if the opponent is too strong for a trake choke, snap head down and take back

Live Roll Notes
  1. I did very well finishing the number of chokes, especially to guillotines while in half guard. I need to continue to sink in chokes and take my time to finish them, people do not submit right away when being choked
  2. I let the girl in good position to many times, and should have controlled or more. I felt like she was able to whizzer out when I was inside control. I should’ve stepped over and got mount.
  3. I forced to triangles, but was able to finish both of them. I feel like people just do not understand when they are about to be trying old. It will be interesting to see if I’m able to do that against the better opponents tomorrow
  4. I did well on a number of sweeps. I just made sure to get my grip and explode up to get the sweep. These are not against good opponents though, so I will be interested to see if this works tomorrow.