Rodeo Pass Save and Sweep

Posted on October 30th, 2014

today we worked on what to do if you are on your back, and the person standing is trying to pass using the rodeo pass. There’s an easy say that I do not think of with the hip switch, and a pretty easy sweep. However, I was not feeling comfortable doing the sweep and need practice it.

Rodeo Pass Save
All you need to do to block the rodeo pass is to switch hips and put your foot on his alternate hip. Use your hand against his leg to stop them from coming all the way around and passing guard. From there, if they try to sit down, use your foot on their hip to stop them.

Rodeo Pass Sweep
After you get in this position, use your other hand cross grip on his sleeve. Hook your other leg under his far-side leg. from there, apply pressure and sweep them to the side he does not have an arm. Once he is down, make sure you hold on and do a tactical standup.

Roll Notes
  • I did a stupid sweep, and possibly hurt someone with a bad knee. He seemed okay, but I felt bad.
  • I did very good against Donny the blue belt. I was able to scissor sweep him, and almost get him over. From there he shall be much more respect and action started attacking me which he is never done before.
  • I was able to take a white belt's back from half guard. It worked very well with me getting the deep under hook and pushing myself around.
  • I completed two arm bars from guard with the new cross-grip setup. I need to make sure when I set that up that their arm is undermined before I start, I have to reset the cross grip.
  • I was able to finish a bent arm lock from side mount without the person getting away. All that I need to remember to do is when I have them locked up, continue to put body pressure on them so they are unable to roll away. The person tried to roll away, but I blocked him with my knees.

No Gi Single Leg

Posted on October 18th, 2014

Since I didn’t make weight for the competition, I decided to go into no gi class. I was fired up, so the workout really helped.

Single Leg Details
Attack the leg by your front leg
Pull them around for them to take a step
Shoot and drive, don’t pick up the leg
Head on the inside
Stay tight
Switch grips, and go deep with the other arm
With back arm, pull them down from their waist

Single Leg Takedown When Head is Outside
If opponent pushes head to their side
Keep same grip, and pull down from their front

Peak out to take Back
Get bicep control
Pull them to get them to flair one arm
Shoot through and take back

Roll Notes
  • Did well not letting Brian T. pass a few times
  • Was able to get Brian T. into a reverse triangle by rolling over, but didn’t have time to finish.
  • Was able to get around Brian K’s guard once, but couldn’t hold him down
  • Brian seemed to let me onto his back, but I was not able to complete the choke

Triangle Details

Posted on October 17th, 2014

We worked on triangle details, which should help me finish triangles (specifically in competition).

Basic Setup
Arch hips up off the mat
Shoot leg far past their head
Keep their posture broken with both arms on leg (not on foot)
Put other foot on mat or hip to push out and get an angle. Your leg should be parallel with their shoulders
Lock triangle with knee on ankle (not on foot)
Gable-grip around back of knee and their head
Should not take a lot of muscle to complete the move

Thread the Needle
Instead of shooting around their arm, pull their arm out and shoot leg up and over their shoulder
Cross legs immediately, and use arms to break posture
Will need to create a bigger angle with other foot
Finish the same

Closed Guard Knee Push
This was an interesting new variation that I see myself using often
Closed guard, opp has grip on pants
Cross-grip collar and sleeve, both on the arm not holding the pants
Shrimp out to side of pants hold
Push knee in and push away on their chest
Make sure to keep other leg up into their armpit so they don’t pressure down with it
The knee pressure will cause them to lose their grip
Shoot the leg pushing on them up and around their head
Complete the triangle as above

Armbar Detail

Posted on October 15th, 2014

Today, we practiced more of the details of the arm bar from the on belly, and from Mount. However, these specifics can transfer to all types of our Mars. The biggest thing, is to keep my weight on the opponent before leaning back so the opponent does not roll up into me. This is what happens very typically when I’m live rolling. Also, make sure that your butt if by their head before going back. By the time your back in on the ground their arm should be broke.

Armbar from KOB
Swim arm under opp’s when he is pushing on my knee.
Pull opp up on side
Post on other arm by their butt
Swing leg around behind back
Put other leg over their head
Lean back while keeping their arm TIGHT against chest

Armbar from Mount
Move to high mount and dig out arm with knee
Pull other arm up, and swim leg under head
Keep leaning forward and do not fall back until ready to finish
Put leg over opp’s head
Lean back while keeping their arm TIGHT against chest

Roll Notes
  • Overall, I had a good roll and felt in control most of the time.
  • I finished a good wrestler with both a triangle (that I had to clean up), and a guillotine
  • I got choked from my back because I forgot about their arm by my neck. He kept the arm there until I forgot.

Counter to Turtle from Side Control

Posted on October 14th, 2014

We had a good class today Memphis where I learned a counter to some it happens to me quite often: the opponent rolls in the turtle while I am trying to maintain side control. This typically happens when I am pushing hard to keep them from shrimping into me.

Take Back from Side Control
As the opponent is rolling, slow them down with your hand, but do not try to stop them. As they get up onto their knee, slide your far side leg under. That will establish one of the hooks. From there, get seatbelt and roll them over.

Take Back from Standing Guard Pass
The same concept can be applied while you are standing to pass the guard. If you push their knees away, and try to pass they may try to roll into turtle. As is happening, slide your leg underneath the same as you would before.

Roll Notes
  • Charles got me with the sneaky paper cutter move that I did not see coming. I need to make sure to protect myself more specifically when I am in side control.
  • A white belt got me in the side control two times. I was able to reversible times, but should not have gotten into that position if I had been trying. I need to make a decision if I’m going to give up a position, or not. I should not go half-assed, and then handle it once I get into a bad position.
  • Overall, I’m still disappointed with my lack of submissions and not being able to seal the deal. I could’ve choked the purple belt Steve, but I let up before I had it finished.

Roll in Salt Lake City

Posted on October 8th, 2014

Knee cutter pass from 1/2 guard
Underhook and put pressure on neck
Sprawl towards head
Use toes to push calf to open

Jump Across Pass from 1/2 Guard
When opponent has underhook
Put shoulder into face
Post out high on head
Flip leg over
Keep pressure down with head
Corkscrew butt out and push with leg

Roll from Turtle
When opp goes for seatbelt
Secure arm with wizzer and hand
Roll over
Straight armlock

Turtle Roll Reversal
When opp secures wizzer
Shuffle round to ride
Connect hands between their legs
Keep shuffling around
Let them turn into

Anaconda Reversal
Opp has anaconda locked in and about to roll over
As they start to roll over, push them over the same way so you end up on top
Shuffle so they don’t catch legs
Pressure and end in straight armbar

New position: Extended Leg 1/2 Guard
Cross sleeve grip
Other leg extend against their same-side hip
Same side pant grip (cheater)

Easy from position

Reverse Triangle
Free leg goes under and around their cross arm, and then under same-side
Other leg goes over same-side arm

First Private with Misho

Posted on March 17th, 2014

I had my first private lesson with Misho. It was as intense as I thought it was going to be, but he really helped. We focused on competition training, specifically triangles (which should be my goto move).

Whizzer to Stop Single Leg
If someone gets a single leg, don’t just try to push your leg down. If I have a whizzer, keep it and grab my own leg with that arm. That pressure will be enough to make them let go.

Outside Triangle drill
We did 50 standard triangle setups. I don’t think I have ever done that many at one time, but need to start.

One great tip is that instead of pushing their head down, gable-grip the back of my own knee. It will tighten up the triangle much more than just pushing their head.

(with gable-grip)

Inside Triangle
A variation that I have hit before, but didn’t realize was the inside triangle. Instead of the choking leg going around, outside the arm, if there is space just push it up through inside the arm. This is effective during grip fighting or when they post their hand out.

Flower Sweep
Misho showed me the finer points of the flower sweep, and more effective ways to hit it. These techniques worked well in live rolling.
  1. Hold same-side arm
  2. Get ahold of pants
  3. Break posture
  4. Push opposite knee far up their armpit.

Reverse Flower Sweep to Inside Triangle
This was an interesting setup for an inside triangle. If I only can get a cross-grip, try to do a flower sweep to the opposite side. The opponent will post, which will give a huge opening for an inside triangle.

Really, this shows how versatile the inside triangle can be. Anytime I can get opponent to post from guard, there is an opening to throw up a triangle.

Wrist = Better

Posted on March 1st, 2014

Rolled in Chicago today. I did fine, but still got my combat base swept. I am going to add a question around it. Also, I’m back to having issues passing guard.

Welcome to The Hunger Games

Posted on February 25th, 2014

For the second time I rolled with the Memphis bad asses. I ended up hurting my wrist playing spider guard when the guy I was rolling with end up falling on my hand. I am going to take it easy for the next couple of days.

We did a simple omaplata drill get reps in. Get cross collar grip, and same side sleeve grip. shrimp out on the side you are attacking an older body across your body. Swing out into omaplata and keep pressure on their arm.

Omaplata roll out to N/S Choke
this was a good move if the person rolls. as their rolling, grab their pant leg with your near side arm. Put them into a headlock with your other arm and keep pressure on their chest. Once you have pressure on them, release their arm with a hit switch and move in a north-south. From there, lock in the choke by moving back.

Combat base
During open mat I got swept the number of times when I was in combat phase. I asked whether the guys I was working with what I was doing wrong, and he showed me the right way to do combat base, which I was not doing.
  • Be on the balls of each feet
  • One knee on the mat
  • Knees very wide
  • One arm posted on high knee keeping them wide

Slow Down!

Posted on February 23rd, 2014

I went in for open mat on Sunday to Memphis, and rolled with the number of pretty high-level guys. I feel like I did pretty well, and even locked in some submissions.

Some of the biggest notes from the role were when I rolled with racks. I really need to get into a good position, and settle into the position. Do not just get into side control or crucifix, and then go right for a submission because I will get swept. Wait for the other guy to make a mistake and then capitalize on it. Rex is extremely good at waiting for a reaction and encountering from that.